9 Travel-Friendly Books You Haven’t Read Yet!

Books are like a magic spell constructed out of thoughts, ink and a few pieces of paper. They have the ability to empower you with knowledge and ideas. There is perhaps no such mood that doesn’t have a book to go with.

Books fill the interludes of life like a glove fits the hand. One such interlude that everyone faces in their daily lives is traveling. You spend so much time commuting from home to work, and so on…

Reading is the best way to exploit this gap in life. No, wonder every airport has a bookshop! Traveling and reading is a match made in heaven.

This article shall center books that revolve around travel, and have not garnered as much hype. Carrying them on your next trip will certainly make it exciting!

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Even If you haven’t planned a trip yet, the below-listed might charge your wanderlust:

1. The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner

The fact that the author of the book is a self-proclaimed ‘grump’ makes the book even more interesting. The geography of bliss is a humorous story of an unhappy man looking for happiness.

The refreshing narration of well-known places like the Netherlands, Qatar, and India is so different from the stereotype!

Take the book with you on your next trip and let this book take you to an insightful journey of its own.

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2. The Good Girl’s Guide to Getting Lost by Rachel Friedman

How many different kinds of travelers do you know? Female solo travelers love this book. If you happen to know one of them, gifting this book will be a hearty idea.

Rachel Friedman is a recent college pass-out who sets out on a sojourn to three continents including Australia and South America, and countless adventures.

Acting out of a sudden whim, she books a flight to Ireland, where she finds an Australian expatriate, with whom she develops a strong bond. It is a gripping tale from a new age nomad. As the journey furthers, the author as well as the reader, find more than what they were looking for. So, grab your copy now.

3. The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt’s Darkest Journey by Candice Millard

The story explores uncharted territories of the Amazon Basin and the River of Doubt is the name of one of its tributaries.

Enter the world of jaw-dropping imagery dedicated to nature. Candice Millard, a former editor for National Geographic has written ‘The River of Doubt’. The book is about a near-catastrophic episode in the life of Theodore Roosevelt, as he embarks in search of adventure.

Follow him and his travel companions through the wilderness.

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4. Papillon (P.S.) by Henri Charrière

Papillon is an autobiographical tale of a man wrongfully convicted of murder. The butterfly tattoo on his chest earned him the nickname Papillon. He makes numerous unsuccessful attempts to escape captivity in France.  His fate eventually sends him to the infamous holding facility, Devil’s Island. This is where things start to get interesting…

No one has been successful in escaping the prison, except maybe the author, you never know!

Papillon is a story of an innocent human being that exemplifies will, endurance, and cunning. As it unfolds, readers are encouraged to find a part of themselves that is perhaps still locked deep within.

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5. Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

Shantaram is a thrill infused novel. ‘Lindsay Ford’, as per the fake New Zealand passport that he is carrying, the protagonist escapes prison for a sky ride to Germany.

His journey to Germany is cut short. In an interesting turn on events, he lands into the underworld of 1980s India.

Follow the young Australian convict, who is under the disguise of a doctor, and his journey through the slums of the city of dreams, Bombay (Present name, Mumbai).

As for yours, you can book the best travel deals like New York to India cheap flights online! Shantaram will make you fall for this incredible country even more.

6. The Devil’s Picnic by Taras Grescoe

Food comprises of a huge cultural chunk of the traveling experience. While you are exploring places, never forget to have a taste of the unexplored native flavors.

Talking about food, The Devil’s Picnic is going to satisfy your appetite. Through this engaging piece of text, the author tosses the question of what is so alluring about the forbidden fruit.

Prepare to have a verbal feast that includes delicacies like cocaine-laced tea, and malodorous cheese, amongst many others. It is a perfect dose for the food-loving globetrotters.

7. Tracks by Robyn Davidson

One woman’s influential journey through the deserts of Australia during the 1970s resulting in a whole another personality is what ‘Tracks’ leads to. And the endless encounters experienced along the way!

The connection that the author, Robyn Davidson shares with her dog, Diggity is one of the highlights of the book.

The oppressive society and the threats posed by the natural world act as the Antagonistic forces in the book. This book may spark a solo traveler in you.

8. Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

This book was originally composed in German in a lyrical form of writing. It was introduced to the English-speaking audience in the year 1951.

Siddhartha deals with the spiritual sojourn undertaken to discover self. It centers the character of the same name as the book ‘Siddhartha’ who embarks on a spiritual quest filled with turning points and self-realization.

Even in current times, Siddhartha remains a relatable tale, despite its ancient setting. The book will force you to look inwards.

9. Boats on Land by Janice Pariat

An assemblage of 15 stories hailing from the Indian state of Meghalaya, the timeline of these stories ranges from the 19thcentury to this day and age. Through its narration, each story captures different feelings and emotions. They take you through the myths, folklore, rituals, traditions, and customs of the northeastern natives of the Indian Subcontinent.

Have you ever wondered what makes a book, a good read? There is a book for each activity and books related to travel are anything but rare. However, what is rare is each of the aforementioned entries that have not amassed as much popularity as they deserve. These unconventional reads will cut your travel time much shorter. Carrying one of these to your next trip will be one of the best decisions of your life.

Also, if you cannot decide the source for booking the best deals on airfare, then look no further than your smartphone screens. Book the cheapest flights to India from Boston and other locations, worldwide. Make sure you have enough space for a quality book to enhance your travel experience.
