Are You Eligible For Compensation For Your Delayed Flights To India?

Whether you are traveling to India or wherever else, you can face a delayed flights at any time. And the situation gets worse if you have a connecting flight to catch because you can easily miss it. But what about the compensation? If you are dealing with a delayed flight, are you eligible to get compensation? What are the other conditions that you should meet? Book cheap flight tickets from USA to India on Tripbeam and find out the details by reading below.

Will you get compensation if your flight is delayed?

Before that, we first need to tell you that the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) governs all airlines in India under the Central Government. The DGCA decides the rules and regulations followed by the airlines.

And according to the updated guidelines in 2016, yes, airlines will compensate you for both delayed and cancelled flights. In short, the answer is yes, you will receive compensation when the airlines delay or cancel your flight ticket.

The new updated guidelines, implemented in 2016 have made it mandatory for airlines to provide compensation up to Rs. 10,000 if the flight is late beyond 2 hours. Earlier, the airlines would only pay a compensation of maximum Rs. 4000 in such situations.

However, they are not required to pay the compensation in situations beyond their control. These situations can include one or more of the following.

  • Political volatility & civil strife
  • Delays caused by the air traffic control
  • Strikes
  • Extreme weather conditions
  • Natural disasters
  • Terror activities

Also Read: Everything You Should Know Before Flying With An Infant

What amount of compensation are you eligible for when you handle a delayed flight?

To understand this better, we have divided this into categories by hours regardless of whether you have booked the cheapest tickets to India from USA on Tripbeam.

Airlines delays flight by 1 hour

If your flight is late by an hour and the airline has not informed you about the delay, you are eligible for a compensation of Rs. 5000 or the price of the booked basic fare plus the fuel cost, whichever is lesser.

Airlines delays flight by 2 hour

If the airlines delay the flight by more than one hour but less than 2 hours, they are liable to pay the customers an amount of Rs. 7500 or the booked one way basic fare plus the fuel cost, whichever is lesser.

Airlines delays flight by more than 2 hour

If your flight is late by more than 2 hours, you are eligible for a compensation of Rs. 10,000 or the price of the booked basic fare plus the fuel cost, whichever is lesser, from the airlines.

Airlines delays flight by 24 hour

There are cases when airlines delay the flight by 24 hours or in cases where the airline arranges the alternate flight 24 hours later than the booked flight. In such situations, the airline will pay an amount equivalent to 400% of the cost of the booked one-way basic fare and the airline fuel charge to a maximum amount of Rs. 20,000, whichever is lesser.

Also, when you book cheap tickets to India from USA on Tripbeam for your next journey, you don’t have to handle it all yourself. If you don’t like the hassle of waiting for refunds or dealing with the airlines, our experts will help you whenever you need to ensure you enjoy a comfortable journey.

Also Read: How To Make Your Baby’s First Flight Easier?
