Tips You Should Know If You’re A First Time Traveler In India

  • Posted on June, 14, 2023

Tips You Should Know If You’re A First Time Traveler In India

While travelling to India for the first time can seem overwhelming, especially if you are First Time Traveler In India Tripbeam recommends arming yourself with some local knowledge. Everything comes at you all at once when you’re in India, overwhelming your senses. To avoid such exciting yet nerve- wracking situations, we have collected expert tips from our team of travel experts who have been travelling all over India for years. Here’s all you need to know when you are getting online flight tickets from USA to Ahmedabad on Tripbeam to travel to India for the first time.

Tips For Travelling To India For The First Time

Tips For Travelling To India For The First Time

Take your time to explore

India is not a place to be explored on a hurried checklist. You don’t need to try and see everything as you will be experiencing India even when you’re doing nothing but sitting. Take an unhurried approach to exploring India, such as choosing one region for exploring if you are travelling for a week at minimum.

Adopt a laid- back attitude

When you are in India, it is only natural that your plans for travel won’t go as planned. While this point is not reserved for India only, you need to adapt yourself to have a chilled out, laid back attitude so you can calmly overcome whatever it is you are facing or will face.

Also Read: How To Have The Best Flight Experience, According To Tripbeam

Learn the points of bargaining

India is the land of bargaining- from the moment you land here to the moment you leave, you need to do bargaining. Whether you’re shopping, travelling, sightseeing or staying, all and everything is up for a bargain if you know how to drive a hard bargain. So learn while you’re at it.

Practice caution in trusting someone

While reported crime rates against tourists in India is pretty low, petty crimes like thievery, pickpocketing and molestation are common. Avoid travelling alone at night, especially if you’re a woman and avoid over- friendly people trying to sell you something. Learn the prices from locals or backpackers like you. Don’t trust drivers or vendors at popular tourist spots. Plan your India tour, starting by booking flight tickets to Ahmedabad from USA on Tripbeam.

Safe travels are better than anything else

While it may become uncomfortable, travelling in India is usually pretty safe. To avoid them, practise safe travel precautions and travel strategies to keep yourself away from unfavourable situations. Avoid entertainment places at night. Don’t believe random people on the street, airport or popular tourist locations. Keep your handbag and luggage in sight at all times. Stay in hotels that are frequented by other travelers. Research the places you are going to visit beforehand so you know where to go when one activity ends.

Choose to travel with a small group

If you can, travel in a small group of travelers. The tour guides are usually great and you are less likely to encounter unfavourable situations when you have a group by your side. You also get to enjoy more unique experiences for a better cost.

Always have a train ride experience

A local train ride is sure to leave you with an indelibly Indian experience. However, do not jump in without research about the train’s classes. General and sleeper classes are not something you’d want to dive right into, despite being cheaper than the other classes. Classes like 2AC, 1AC, CC or EC are better compared to the other classes.

Visit India by booking cheap tickets to India on Tripbeam and come visit keeping all the above points in mind.

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